Family Trip 02


So, let's start the story..😊

To enter the village of Saradiyel you have to pay a fee of around 100 rupees. But that's when we go. I do not know if there is a change in the entrance fee now. 🚧🚧

The Saradiyel Village theme park is located in Mawanella about 2km away from the Colombo – Kandy highway. About 6 acres of area has been used to create this 19th century traditional village. Built with cement, skillfully-built statues make you feel they are really alive. Tour guides here are doing an excellent job of explaining the Saradiyel story step-by-step. πŸ‘

They told us that this land was chosen to build this Saradiyel Village according to a concept of Dr. Ariyasena U. Gamage. Also, the sculptures in this area were created by Kalasoori Milton Jayapala. 😍πŸ’ͺ

The rock seen in this image is the main reason for establishing the village of Sura Saradiyel. Because it is said that Saradiyel was hiding behind this rock. As soon as  we enter this rock, it looks good when we look back.⛺πŸ—»πŸ—» Before entering through the gate we can see the statues of Dola holding the Adikaram. Nearby are Gondiwela Arachchi and Manike, several statues with a drummer, a pintali etc. This represents an Ambalama.  When we enter the village of Saradiyel, then first thin we see is a statue of a "Stubborn monk (Dadimunda Deviyo)". That is Wahalkada. At the same time we can see the carts used to travel in the past. πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰

When you enter through the gate, there is Kadamandiya. There is a factory in kadamandiya and there is a statue of a cow with a ladan sheep. Then there is a carpenter. It shows us the tools in the carpentry shed. Picho Hami's Kopi Kade is there. In front of it a thug is playing a snack. πŸπŸ’

This is how you have to gradually enter the village. All the elements of a village here have been created. You can also see the equipment used for each activity here. Also, the statue objects Saradiel's childhood and the way he was impressed. We can see that Saradiel's life story is wonderfully crafted from his childhood until his death. He died of hanging. πŸ˜“πŸ˜“

After watching it all like this, we got hungry. In this village we were also able to get our lunch. Its food prices have risen slightly. But the food was very tasty. The food parcel we bought contained village food. Every dish is delicious. Like we go to a village and enjoy that food. 🍜🍝😜😜

This image shows the hotel.

This is how we visited Saradiel village. There is a great deal of detail about the village of Saradiel. I mentioned here a few things. When we got there we even brought a book about this village. Actually, that book is very valuable. I also tell you to go and see this village. The village of Saradiel is a place worth visiting. πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ‘‹



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